Sunday, October 9, 2011

Where there is a Mickey

There is a Minnie.  I remember my parents saying that every so often when I was little and due to the recent events at my apartment - this saying takes on a whole different meaning to me.

Last Wednesday night, my roommates and I went to the W Hotel in Hoboken for a Johnnie Walker tasting.  It was a free event and we learned how to taste whiskey and then we were given a ticket for a free drink.  It was a really swanky place and the view of the city was really cool - so it seemed like a really nice night out.

Then we got home and out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw something move across the floor.  Drew saw it too - but I tried to make myself think that it was a leaf or a figment of my imagination.  Our fears were confirmed when we saw the little mouse run from the kitchen into Jen's room.  Since it was so late that night, our only choice was to pray that he ran back outside and that he would be a one time visitor.

Oh, we decided to name the mouse Alfred - since none of us like the name Alfred all that much and we certainly did not like the idea of a mouse in our place.  

The next day Jen and Drew stopped at the hardware store to buy the traps and the poison - again in hopes that we really wouldn't need them.  Tom sent them all up for us and again our fingers were crossed that this was just a one time deal.

On Friday night, I got a text message from Drew saying that Alfred is gone!  Well - he must have eaten some of the poison because he was slow to move when Drew came in the room so she and her boyfriend placed a box over him and were able to take him outside.

We have an exterminator coming this week to try and figure out where the mouse got in and how we can prevent any more "unwelcomed vistors."  

This adult certainly has it perks but it also comes with its not-so-fun times.  There are certainly days where I wish I were a kid again -

and these were the only mice I knew...

1 comment:

  1. I had mice in my apartment in Ardmore. The WORST is cleaning up the trap after you've caught your Mickey or Minnie.

    The sad fact is that if you've got nasty neighbors, the unwelcome visitors are likely sneaking into your place after eating dinner at theirs. Yuck!
