Wednesday, September 19, 2012

PATH praises and problems

Riding the PATH pretty much everyday for the last two years certainly has its ups and downs. It's a relatively short ride making getting into the city pretty easy and the time on the train allows for ample book-reading (or blogging!).

But there are a few things I would change if I could:

  1. The amount of seats - I wish there were about 4 times the amount of seats than what the trains currently have. I am not a particularly pushy person so getting a seat is not always in my cards on my morning commute. Luckily, Tom is better at getting to the front of the doors and usually holds a seat for me if I get lost in the shuffle. On the rare occasion that I commute alone, I usually accept the fact that finding a seat will be less than likely.
  2. From the lack of seats, there is a cut throat mentality of the passengers and that is something I wish would change. I mean pushing past people and nearly fighting for a seat can really change your mood for your day. It is surprising to me how many pregnant ladies are standing before someone will offer their seat to them. Recently on the PATH, they put up a poster that no joke I think was taken from a kindergarten classroom about the etiquette of riding the train. Lessons like "offer your seat to those who need it - with pictures of an elderly person, pregnant lady and person who is on crutches" as well as "speak in conversational tones" so that everyone and their brother doesn't hear about your raging weekend. There are about 4-5 other lessons to be learned and I couldn't help but laugh when I saw the poster. Really - adults need to be reminded of how to show common courtesy?

All-in-all, I enjoy my time on the train because it is a solid 30-40 minutes of the day where you do not have the ability to connect to the internet (though it seems like more and more platforms are becoming cell-phone friendly), check email and social sites.  I have enjoyed many books in my 2 years of living in Hoboken and know I owe a lot of that to the good ole' PATH train.

Do you have any book recommendations for my rides?

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